Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New statistical method

Learning a new statistical method can be grueling even when enrolled in a course that is supposed to teach you how it works. naturally, learning a new technique without the guidance of an expert is, to say the least, a hair pulling frustration. The kaplan-meier statistical technique is easy to run using SPSS although the process of getting to that point is baffling. The method is not frequently used for the work that i do although it is known to be a reliable technique. Given that not many people use it means that there are very few informative examples on the web. This leaves me to figure out exactly how i need to arrange the data in order to get the desired results. As a result I end up spending many hours preparing the data in a manner that is not suitable for SPSS, leaving me to rearrange the data again but this time with a little more knowledge about how not to do it.

its making me fat

Long hours at the office and a ever growing to do list are taking their toll on my eating, exercise, and social habits.  No longer do i crave the endorphins released after a tough workout, rather i crave sweets and coffee. No longer to I feel the need to go for a run and get some fresh air, rather i feel the need to write, read, analyze data and collect data. These feeling, without a doubt, are experienced by many graduate students and professors.
Of course this is no way of living. Somehow i must find the motivation to put away the junk food and work, and go outside and exercise.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Teaching sentimentality

As the semester is wrapping up quickly i find myself cherishing every class period more and more. I realize now how lucky i was when i walked into the class room the first day. The group of kids i have had the pleasure of teach this semester has been stellar. They have been more than good participants, they have helped me become a better teacher and person by maintaining real and constructive conversations with me every class period. Of course there were days were i struggled to keep cool and not go on a rant about this and that. still I feel like i will always remember this 1st class. The mistakes i made will be remembered for a little while until i have to focus on new mistakes. Contrarily, the positive interactions with individuals and the class as a whole will be remembered for many years to come. Thank you

its a power stuggle

For the sake of scientific advancement our lab has given up the space, electrical access and convenience of having incubators located in a well kept room. our new location has its own perks, like a cooler temperature (which will keep the incubators running better), but also has some serious detriments. Currently we are running two extension cords to power outlets because the circuit in the new location can not handle three incubator running simultaneously. (dont tell the fire marshal). It is a temporary solution until new circuits are installed. what that happens is unknown at this time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crying undergrads

Maybe one of the toughest parts of being a teacher is having to deal with crying students. We have to deal with the empathetic side but then also have to keep students from getting credit for work they did not do or points they do not deserve. IN the end you are always the bad guy, and if you are too lenient, student will keep asking for more and more. "give them an inch and they will take a mile". So, in the end, you may come across a heart less unsympathetic POS but it is really for the benefit of the student. The students must learn that they have to work for what they want. Before college student are not really challenged or tested, making straight A's while putting in minimal work. College and more importantly "real life" is different. You have to work, and work hard to get anything that is worthwhile getting. Welcome to college freshmen.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Advising undergrads

So as part of my job i have to "recruit" interested and "good" students to take more botany courses. the ultimate goal is to get more students to earn botany minors and majors. This is always a difficult objective for multiple reasons. The primary reason why undergrads do not want to switch is beacuse they are already too far along in their degrees and could not finish a minor or major on time. More than half of my current class is in this position. Others are just not interested in biological sciences and are in the class merely because it is required. So that leaves a hand full of potential targets. Convincing interested students is no art from. they usually know they are interested but typically lack a little bit of guidance and advice. I had the pleasure to talk with one of the brightest studnt in the class about future courses and careers in plant biological science. He was so enthrawled with my enthusiasm and insight that i am very sure he will go on to be a botnay major.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Crop dust "the original"

I would like to introduce the next sequence of blog posts titled "crop dust". Crop dusting refers to the purposeful farting into an area where other people are or will be. The trick is for the crop-duster to never come into contact with his or her own "dust".
The original crop dust has been committed by nearly all people. It usually occurs in a hallway, be it at home, in school or at the office. You may be purposefully crop dusting of just trying to relieve some pressure, but as you do so and walking down the hall you are in fact crop-dusting the people walking behind you or those walking down the hallway in the opposite direction. The thought full crop duster can execute more complex versions of the "original crop dust". timing is everything
More next week.

Stuff on My desk 2

There are 5 books laying on top of another in the far right corner of my desk. The top book reads "Statistic&experimental design". immediately to the left of this stack of books there is an external hard dive. 
The hard drive  no longer functions for my mac, which has forced me to back my shit up on memory sticks. In the end using memory sticks is cheaper plus they are more portable. The downside is that you may have three or four memory sticks laying around. keeping track of this many can be a hassle since these suckers easily hide under papers, books whatever else might find its way onto your desk.