Tuesday, September 27, 2011

second snake encounter

About half an hour later, i had another encounter with another member of the same species. this time it was less dramatic but just as scary. I had stopped for a minute to talk with by companion who was on the other side of the river. we were shouting about this and that. when we finished saying what we had to say, i took a nice and slow step forward. at this time i watched how a fat cottemouth slithered into the water just 2 feet from my foot. It had been waiting there all along. That sucker was nearly invisible until he/she started moving. I even had been using a stick to whack the vegetation in front of me hoping that it would scare any slithery friends. Needless to say, i picked up my effort of whacking the shit out of the vegetation.

1 comment:

  1. Just imagine sampling in the water and watching one swim past!
